Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Maven Build Script setup for various configurations

Steps to include a jar in the EAR package while building:
Scenario 1. If the jar project is part of same EAR project heirarchy and need to build before packaging
Follow the steps given here:
step1: Add plugin maven-ear-plugin
step2: Add <configuration> block, add <modules> as follows:
Step3: Add the dependency as follows:
Note: Don't specify the <bundleDir> if you want the jar file to go to default folder.

Scenario 2. If the jar is external and not part of EAR project heirarchy
Follow the steps given here:
step1: Add plugin maven-ear-plugin
step2: Add <configuration> block, add <modules> as follows:
Step3: Add the dependency as follows:
Note: Don't specify the <bundleDir> if you want the jar file to go to default folder.

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