Wednesday, March 18, 2015

AF:PanelGroupLayout not stretching to its full width

Want to stretch the contents to its full width using af:panelGroupLayout ?

Use the following code snippet to stretch the content to its full width:

<af:panelGroupLayout id="vinaypgl01" width="400px" styleClass="afStretchWidth">
<af:outputText id="vinayot01"> This line will not be wrapped, it will be in full width of the panel grid layout i.e. 400 pixels.</af:outputText>

Use the following code snippet to arrange the content blocks horizontally:

<af:panelGroupLayout id="vinaypgl01" layout="horizontal">
<af:panelGroupLayout id="vinaypgl02" width="400px" styleClass="afStretchWidth">
<af:outputText id="vinayot01"> This is first block.</af:outputText>
</af:panelGroupLayout >
<af:panelGroupLayout id="vinaypgl03" width="400px" styleClass="afStretchWidth">
<af:outputText id="vinayot01"> This is another block.</af:outputText>

Use the following code snippet to arrange the content blocks vertically:

<af:panelGroupLayout id="vinaypgl01" layout="vertical">
<af:panelGroupLayout id="vinaypgl02" width="400px" styleClass="afStretchWidth">
<af:outputText id="vinayot01"> This is first block.</af:outputText>
</af:panelGroupLayout >
<af:panelGroupLayout id="vinaypgl03" width="400px" styleClass="afStretchWidth">
<af:outputText id="vinayot01"> This is another block.</af:outputText>
</af:panelGroupLayout >
</af:panelGroupLayout >

AF:GridCell not stretching to its width

When using the contents are wrapped even after giving the width.

To stretch the component to its full width of the cell use the following snapshot of code:

<af:panelGridLayout id="vinaypgl01" width="400px">
<af:gridRow id="vinaygr01">
<af:gridCell id="vinaygc01" halign="stretch" width="50%">
<af:outputText id="vinayot01"> This line will not be wrapped, it will be in full width of the panel grid layout i.e. 400 pixels.</af:outputText>
</af:panelGridLayout >

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Generate Framework Portal MAR file without Jdeveloper in non Windows OS

How to generate AutoGenerated.mar file without opening Jdeveloper ?

Currently AutoGenerated.mar file can be build only in Jdeveloper in Windows OS and there is no UNIX equivalent tool provided by Oracle to create the same.

This can be achieved using custom ANT task, which I am working on and will be publishing soon to the world.

Click here to follow this link to get the source code and ant task details.

More details coming soon, thanks for visiting...

Generate TaskFlow jar without Jdeveloper in non Windows OS

How to generate task flow view controller jar file without opening Jdeveloper ?

Currently task flow jar can be build only in Jdeveloper in Windows OS and there is no UNIX equivalent tool provided by Oracle to create the same jar.

This can be achieved using custom ANT task, which I am working on and will be publishing soon to the world.

More details coming soon....

Add Access Permission to Resources

How to add access permission to web center portal resources ?

Coming soon...

Integrate Taskflow and Framework Portal

How to access your taskflow from a framework portal in WebCenter Portal environment?

Here is the step by step instructions:


  • Assuming the task flow project name is CookTaskFlow and it has a task flow name cook-task-flow-definition.xml. 
  • Framework portal project name is FoodPortal.


  • Make sure that you create a test page (jspx) in CookTaskFlow project to test the task flow cook-task-flow and it is working as you expect.
  • Make sure that you create a test page (jspx) in FoodPortal to test that framework portal is working as you expect.

Integration Steps:

Step 1. Navigate to case task flow project and create the view controller jar file by using the "deploy to jar" option for the task flow and you should see that CookTaskFlow.jar has been created in ViewController/deploy folder.

Step 2. Navigate to framework portal project and create a file system connection in the Resources palette, enter the name of the resource as CookTaskFlow and enter the folder path as ViewController/deploy folder path. Make sure you test the connection before you save it.

Step 3. You should be able to see the view controller jar under CookTaskFlow file system connection in the resources palate.

Step 4. Open the jspx page where you want to add the task flow as a region and make sure this jspx has no compilation errors and it is working as a test page. Drag an drop the task flow from view controller jar from resource palate to this jspx page, it should give you a choice of selecting a region and others, select region.

Step 5. You should see a tag created, which points to the definition of the task flow you are trying to add.

Step 6. When you are trying to drag and drop the task flow in step 4, it should ask whether you want to add the task flow jar as a library and you should say yes.

With this you should be able to right click and run the jspx page.

Note: Access permission to allow the users to view the task flow can be set using jazn-data.xml file. See my other blogs on how to add permission to view a task flow or any other resource.