Thursday, August 16, 2012

Creating 10.3.4 WebLogic Portal domain with different port - simpler way

Follow the steps below while running Domain Configuration Wizard:
Step 1:
Open domain configuration wizard and select "WebLogic Portal -", click Next
Enter the domain name and choose domain location, click Next
Enter user name, password etc., click Next
Select the JDK, click Next

Step 2:
By now you should be in "Configure JDBC Data Sources" section of the wizard.
Select all the datasources and change the "Port" number as you wish i.e. 1557, click Next
All the tests will fail, thats ok, click Next, click OK, click Next

Step 3:
By now you should be in "Select Optional Configuration" section of the wizard.
Select "Administration Server" and click Next.
Change the port number as you wish and click Next, click Create and click Done.

Step 4:
Open file and replace these two lines:
save and close the file.

Step 5:
Open config.xml and change the port number as changed, save and close the file.
Open p13nProfileDataSource-jdbc.xml and change the port number as changed, save and close the file.

Step 6:
Open startWebLogic.cmd and replace the word 
- stopNetworkServer.cmd with stopNetworkServer_vkb.cmd
- startNetworkServer.cmd with startNetworkServer_vkb.cmd
save and close the file.

Open stopWebLogic.cmd and replace the word 
- stopNetworkServer.cmd with stopNetworkServer_vkb.cmd
save and close the file.

Step 7:

Go to wlserver_10.3\common\derby\bin folder
Copy following files:
- startNetworkServer.bat
- startNetworkServer.cmd
- stopNetworkServer.bat
- stopNetworkServer.cmd
and paste and rename as followings:
- startNetworkServer_vkb.bat
- startNetworkServer_vkb.cmd
- stopNetworkServer_vkb.bat
- stopNetworkServer_vkb.cmd

Step 8:
Open startNetworkServer_vkb.bat and replace the port number to 1557,  save and close the file.
Open stopNetworkServer_vkb.bat and replace the port number to 1557,  save and close the file.
Open startNetworkServer_vkb.cmd and replace the word startNetworkServer.bat with startNetworkServer_vkb.bat,  save and close the file.
Open stopNetworkServer_vkb.cmd and replace the word stopNetworkServer_vkb.bat with stopNetworkServer_vkb.bat, save and close the file.

Step 9:
Go to domain folder and run the script crate_db.cmd,  it should create the portal database to the new port.
You are good to go now!