To remove all tools and status bars use -k option
Example: iexplore.exe -k
Example: iexplore.exe -k
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REST URL Format: http://: /portalWebApp/rest-command-api?name1=value1&name2=value2 1. To list the portlets from a portal application /bea/wlp/api/portlet/list?webapp=webappname 2. To get the details of the portlet /bea/wlp/api/portlet/details/actual_porlet_def_label?webapp=webappname 3. Get the page list /bea/wlp/api/page/list?webapp=webappname 4. Get the book list /bea/wlp/api/book/list?webapp=myWebapp 5. Get the desktop list /bea/wlp/api/desktop/list?webapp=myWebApp&locale=en 6. Get the Layout list /bea/wlp/api/layout/list?webapp=myWebApp&max=2&start=2&locale=en-us 7. Login a user /bea/wlp/api/login?username=user&password=pass 8. Logs out a user /bea/wlp/api/logout?invalidate_session=true 9. Get the status of a user /bea/wlp/api/userstatus?webapp=myWebapp&portal=myPortal&desktop=myDesktop Note: To download the json file for the result of REST commands, append &format=json to the url Reference: API :